The Alcohol & Drug Council of Tompkins County (ADC) is a private, non-profit agency that provides information, education, medical and clinical treatment, peer support, and referral services for area residents and organizations. We view addiction as a progressive, treatable disease with recognizable symptoms. By providing a wide range of services for individuals and families, our trained professionals help provide the tools and resources necessary for better health and greater wellness.

We offer respect for the whole person and believe in:

  • Championing each person as they are, including all their unique identities
  • The individual’s right to make their own choices
  • Helping individuals and families to achieve their own goals
  • Hope and the ability of people to make positive changes
  • The individual’s potential for health and well being
  • Working toward the health and safety of the individual and community
  • Respect for the harm reduction and recovery processes

We believe in learning partnerships and are committed to:

  • A strength-based, non-judgmental approach to communication and services
  • Relationships that are goal-directed toward effective outcomes
  • Responsive and responsible operation as a community-based organization
  • Engaging with others to promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion

Our professional staff includes medical professionals, counselors and educators with diverse backgrounds and training including the basic competencies required by the State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) for substance dependency treatment. All are required to meet professional standards and the OASAS code of ethics. The Board of Directors and staff hold a deep respect for the diversity of the individuals and community we serve.